We put
L&D Thirst
Our learning platform help businesses to level up learning culture and accelerate employee growth.
Amazing Office
Thirst origin story
Thirst started life in 2020. Fred Thompson, frustrated at the lack of innovation in the learning systems market set out to create a better experience for learners that would make them fall back in love with learning.🧡
“With community-based learning, tacit knowledge sharing and game-changing analytics, Thirst will allow employers and employees to learn their own way. Putting their individual interests and skills front and centre. Not only does this make them more likely to engage with the content, it also allows for better job retention, a highly skilled team and career progression.”
Fred Thompson
Thirst Founder and CEO
Put your career Thirst
When you join Thirst, you become part of something special You’re surrounded by smart people who will challenge you to adopt a growth mindset and think big every day. As the business grows, so do you.